One veteran Ironman triathlete's venture into the ultramarathon realm where there are seemingly no limits to human endurance. Any triathlete who is interested in doing an ultramarathon should check here for tips and advice. For workouts leading to a successful finish at the Vermont 100 Mile Ultramarathon, you can find daily workouts at

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Tidings and New Year's Resolutions - Soda and Water Musings

I'm not a big traditional guy. I usually don't give presents, instead of to the children in my extended family (and there is only 1) and I'm not very big on resolutions either. But this year, circumstances have changed a little bit.

Since I'm 40 years old I'm starting to feel the effects of a not so stellar diet when building for my 100 Mile Ultra this summer and I feel it's high time to change this a bit. This is a part of the transformation that I need to do to transcend into one of the better ultra-endurance athletes out there. If I am to go very long it is mandatory to have a better diet.

The first 2 resolutions are going to be a tall order, but worthwhile. The first is the swearing off of drinking soda. Soda is by far the greatest tasting and most addicting thing for me, but after reading some not-so healthy facts on the stuff and after some bad experiences after drinking it, I'm going to minimize or even forego drinking soda for the foreseeable future. That should help in dropping my weight substantially.

Secondly, I've just ordered a water distillation system from H2O labs. There is something going on with the tap water here that I don't like which is leaving a metallic, tingling feeling on my tongue. Water is NOT supposed to do that. I am not already a fan of fluoride in drinking water. About a year go I heard about the hundreds of prescription medications that are showing in the water supply. And yesterday I just heard that our "trusting" government is even thinking of putting a psychotropic drug like lithium in the water supply to lower suicide rates. Is this country insane? No, there is nothing psychologically wrong with me that warrants lithium intake. No, I do NOT want lithium affecting my brain, and other organs. I have a choice to be healthy and this distillation system will allow me that choice.

I also buy the distiller to hopefully help my mother with her arthritis. There are stories out there that drinking purer water might help alleve the condition, so maybe this might help. It definitely won't hurt.

These are things that make you go "hmm." Folks, don't take things for granted. Ask questions whenever possible and be critical when people make political points. If the water stories are false, then the distiller still won't hurt me. But if there IS truth to the story and I don't take action, then where does that leave me? I consider buying the distiller a win-win situation and a good investment.

I leave you with a Very Merry Christmas folks. Don't eat too much, and keep up your training. :-)

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