One veteran Ironman triathlete's venture into the ultramarathon realm where there are seemingly no limits to human endurance. Any triathlete who is interested in doing an ultramarathon should check here for tips and advice. For workouts leading to a successful finish at the Vermont 100 Mile Ultramarathon, you can find daily workouts at

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Melodious Topic of Ultra Running Songs - What are yours?

Humans are very musical creatures. If done right, the right song at the right time in any race, especially ultras can move mountains, or at least run over them easier.

For example, my first ultra, the 50 Mile Mountain Masochist in Virginia, I was having a real tough time climbing the toughest mountain in the course, Buck Mountain at Mile 27 of the race. I was really tanking and actually thinking about quitting the race when I overheard a series of Rocky Theme songs wafting through the trees from the aid station at the top of the mountain. I couldn't believe the transformation from a feeling of desperation to one of determination!. When I finally arrived at the summit at Buck Mountain, I was almost giddy and ready to tackle the rest of the course. From them on, I did not experience another low point and finished the race strong.

On the topic of motivational songs, I am opening the blog for what your favorite songs are. I will post yours on this blog. And, of course, if it motivates me, I'll see if I can add them to my list (yep, there is an ulterior motive here :-).

I have posted some of mine below. I am very responsive to metal and rock music, especially if it has a good beat.

Theme from Rocky (of course)
Van Halen - Right Now
The Specials - Pressure Drop
Yngwie Malmstein - On The Run Again
Testament - Return to Serenity (lyrics unrelated to running, but great beat)
Joe Satriani - If I Could Fly (I got a lot of other of his instrumentals too, he's a damn good guitarist)
Face To Face - Disconnected (nice fast beat)
Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles (very quirky, but a BIG song when I tackled the Appalachian Trail - I carried this thing over to ultra running)

This is only part of my music list. You can post yours here or on Twitter. I'll compile the list and put them on this blog.


  1. Music is so important to running, and I'm always after new running tunes. I'm into all kinds of music - from Metallica and Rage Against the Machine to Ray LaMontagne and Swell Season. But I'd say my affinity to some jam bands like the Dead and Phish do wonders for running. I like to grab these 10-25 minute live tunes that at times help you to relax and help you slow your heart rate and then bring you into a high to fight through a tough spot. As far as some individual songs, here are a few of my favorites:

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
    Metallica - The Ecstasy of Gold
    Rage Against the Machine - Down Rodeo
    Phish - You Enjoy Myself
    Beck - Black Tambourine
    Allman Brothers - Blue Sky
    Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
    The Beatles - Helter Skelter
    Stone Temple Pilots - Sex Type Thing

    just to name a few. with the long-term goal of the minnesota B2B in mind, and some big races in the meantime, i'm going to need a lot of music.

    - Joe

  2. Thanks Fletch. I just saw this after my post so I'll post some of them in my next Blog, because these are really good. Kashmir is one of my all-time Zeppelin favorites and I am emtionally connected to one of my triathlon memories with Sledgehammer.

    Will be putting those on my list. :-)

    Good luck in Minnesota!
